Horoscope of 12 armored animals in 2022

Posted on February 12,2022 by admin
2022 Water Tiger Year - 12 Armored Animals (Also known as Gold Jewelry) is started from February 1, 2022 (lunar calendar january 1, 2023) to January 21, 2023 (lunar calendar december 30, 2023). Gradually ranked 3rd in the ranking of 12 Armored Animals. There is an interesting legend about the 12 Armored Animals as follows: The Jade Emperor wants to choose 12 armored animals as his palace bodyguard. He chose The Buffalo as the first because of his honesty and diligence, but beyond everyone's expectations, the intelligent Rat sneaked up on His shadow and took the number one position at a critical time. Tigers are named King of the Forest while Dragons are named The Lord of the Sea, behind Sửu. The Cat won the race with the Dragon and won 4th place. Snakes, Horses, Goats, Monkeys and Chickens followed. Dogs are punished as the last for biting cats. In fact, dogs came in 11th, as Pigs (Pigs) came late for the interview - pigs finally came in last place. In 2022, also known as the Year of the Water Tiger, the people who hold the tiger are very strong in their hearts and are not easily defeated, but they are also easier to promote themselves. In 2022, which armors will be rich, lucky, successful, which armor will encounter difficulties, fortunes. Invite you to the 365th Millennium Calendar to see the 2022 Horoscope of 12 Armored Animals. Famous People such as The Late General Secretary Le Hong Phong was born in 1902, Leader of Yen Bai Uprising: Nguyen Thai Truong (01-02-1902-Tram Pham) Vietnamese businessman: Doan Nguyen Duc (also known as Bau Duc - Chairman of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group (06-12-1962). The founder of the World's First Islamic Republic of Iran: Ayatollah Khomeini (September 24, 1902) American actor Tom Cruise( July 3, 1962- Rat.

Horoscope 12 Armored Animals in 2022 (Water Tiger Year)