


Posted on February 12,2022 by admin

Are you looking for the "Birth of The French calendar and astronomy"? Do you love the field of astrology and are studying the topics related to it?...

Posted on February 12,2022 by admin

Carrying a handbook by your side and using it for planning, you probably won't avoid the prying eye shots of many people...

Posted on February 12,2022 by admin

The calendar was set in 753 BC, from the lunar cycle, so there were many deviations from the solar cycle,...

Posted on February 12,2022 by admin

Have you ever wondered why you're so tired in the middle of this busy life, you're stuck in the middle of a mess with no way out...

Hot news of
the week

- You Can See More: Calendar & Diary -

How to start journaling?

Daily journaling is always the most common topic that people take notes on in a notebook. Journaling can help you improve your literary abilities, better understand yourself, reduce stress, and solve many other problems...


Develop effective time management skills

Modern society goes hand in hand with having a lot of concerns besides studying, relaxing, earning money, or looking for work. So developing a strategy to manage time for those needs is the right thing to do...


History of the calendar

The calendar was set in 753 BC, from the lunar cycle, so there were many deviations from the solar cycle, which had to go through many modifications to get the calendar exactly as it is today...


Why should you keep a journal?

A diary is a private place where you can put any thought, feeling, perspective on everything from work, study, affection, friends... Or simply, a journal is where you take notes of whatever you want...


The Birth of the Calendar and Astronomy

Are you looking for the "Birth of The French calendar and astronomy"? Do you love the field of astrology and are studying the topics related to it? Are you passionate about learning the history of today's watches?...